SamNektar to ekspercki cykl artykułów opracowywanych przez zespół specjalistów Beeffective (i prawdopodobnie ostatnie teksty napisane przez ludzi). Serwujemy dużą dawkę wiedzy, praktyczne porady i wskazówki na temat działań w przestrzeni digital.
Norbert Korus

SUPERMOCE Good morning, hello and hello! Norbert is like a character from the show who was in the pilot, then disappeared and came back in the fifth season. And how […]

Robert Skrobek

SUPER POWERS People from his team say: this guy is a terminator. And they’re right. His knowledge of paid campaigns is extensive. We have the impression that he is so […]

Tomasz Piotrowski

SUPER POWERS Tomek reads a lot of books. Maybe that’s why he’s smarter than most people you know. Probably even from you. Moreover, he breaks down all problems into their […]

Klaudia Chmielewska

SUPER POWERS Klaudia’s career at Beeffective could be described as “from rags to riches”, if it weren’t for the fact that she spends most of her salary immediately after receiving […]

Magdalena Firfa

SUPER POWERS Magda mocks the potential threat of AI and sees in it great potential and a chance for further development. She can also use artificial intelligence for social games […]

Karolina Kumor

SUPER POWERS Karolina will handle every project. She will order it, take care of it and refine it. The deadlines as they are entered will be respected. Always. This is […]

Martyna Błaszczok-Budai

SUPER POWERS Kneel, nations! Martyna’s appearance on #TeamSocial was quite a blessing. She brought not only a sense of humor, but also a sense of aesthetics. And it’s not about […]

Kaja Chmielewska

SUPER POWERS– velvety voice– black heart– copywriting gold Kaja likes to use all her leave in the first quarter of the year and then cry that she no longer has […]

Aleksandra Maślij

SUPER POWERS– creates stories told in a visual language– can listen, observe and create graphics that make an impression– she reads minds. For now, only her own She “Speaks Chinese” […]

Agata Zabłocka

SUPER POWERS– super cute super nice super funny– it’s sweeter than any birthday cake you’ve ever eaten Agata is extremely charming. And that’s why sometimes when she cracks a really […]