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Robert Skrobek

Senior Performance Marketing Specialist


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Sir, this is the best analyst in this country! He is our holy specialist in difficult and hopeless cases.


  • – knows the answer to every performance marketing question
  • – works on Google campaigns for the longest time in #Bee
  • – great knowledge, great experience, great skills!

People from his team say: this guy is a terminator. And they’re right. His knowledge of paid campaigns is extensive. We have the impression that he is so passionate about his work that he also plays with codes in life. He will fix everything, which is why the most difficult challenges and projects go to him. Thanks to experience and continuous development, he knows how to solve every problem in campaigns and get maximum results from them.

He was a businessman, an analyst, a strict mind, and now he is the king of life. A senior who is closer to the New York Marathon than the Sanatorium of Love. Team big brain, top analyst. He has been working at Google for so long that he cannot say how many years.

His greatest advantage is that he willingly shares his knowledge. He knows the answer to every question in the field of performance marketing. Seriously, we checked multiple times!

After work, he likes to spend time actively – running, riding anything with wheels or wheels. When her daughters go to bed, she and the AI look for the perfect investment script. We hope that it will take him some time, because it’s really hard to find such an expert.

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